One of the coolest sites on the Internet is The Big Picture, hosted by The Boston Globe.  It offers high-resolution photographs of various newsworthy or human-interest subjects, and brings back the days of photojournalism as it used to be practiced by weekly magazines like Life and Look.  Television seems to offer us a more comprehensive window onto the visual world than older media, but the fleeting nature of its images makes for a shallower experience most of the time.  The stillness of a photograph continues to provide its own unique kind of revelation.

The Big Picture is always worth a visit.

The image above shows Vertie Hodge, 74, as she weeps during an Inauguration Day
party near Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. in Houston on Tuesday, 20 January 2009, after President Barack Obama delivered his inaugural speech.  It's an AP/Houston-Chronicle photo by Mayra Beltran.