Here’s something you don’t see every day — a picture of Annie Oakley jumping
over a table.  It’s hard to be sure, because of the condition of the
photograph, but it seems she’s flashing a little garter in the process.

Oakley was not just exhibiting high spirits here.  Although the proximity of
the tents makes it clear that this photograph was not taken in the
arena during a show, Oakley was recreating or practicing one of her
performance routines.  An assistant would launch a glass ball into the
air, Oakley would jump over a table, bare-handed, grab her gun and
shoot the ball out of the air before it hit the ground.

What a gal.

One thought on “ANNIE OAKLEY JUMPS

  1. Yes she was a great gal. But that's not a garter. She sewed her own costumes and made sure there was never any skin showing. She even attached her skirts with buttons to her leggings when riding a horse or bike in order to maintain her proper lady status. Also, wanted to let you and anyone else know that Annie Oakley would be celebrating her 150th birthday this August 13th, 2010. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE, a great American female icon!

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