[Photo © Hugh McCarten]

A year ago today Oscar
Fruchtman died, way before his time.  Oscar was an extraordinary presence in the lives of everyone who knew him — brilliant, hilariously funny, haunted by demons.  He was a gifted musician and songwriter, who could write funny and also write sweet.

My friend Hugh McCarten was one of the people who knew him best, and Hugh was asked to deliver the eulogy at Oscar's memorial service, which is linked to below.  But before you read it, listen to a song Oscar wrote (with Hugh contributing some to the lyrics), “Floating Away”, which is both funny and sweet — a song about Noah, about hope and rebirth and faith:

Floating Away
2010 A. Fruchtman/H. McCarten)

This is a live recording from The Rose Tattoo in Key West, Florida, from March of 1979 — with Oscar and Ed “Woody” Allen on guitars, Din Allen on bass, Hugh on toy organ, Oscar singing lead and the other lads doing back-up vocals.

Here's what Hugh had to say about Oscar when it came time to bid him farewell:

Eulogy For A Luftmensch

(In the eulogy, Hugh quotes the lyrics from another song by Oscar, “Brooklyn Boy” — you can listen to Oscar perform it here.)

5 thoughts on “FLOATING AWAY

  1. I want to thank you and Mr. Hugh for posting this. I love and miss Oscar very much. Thank you for sharing his story with others.
    Annie a.k.a. AKF a.k.a Oscar's Little Sister

  2. Annie — it was sad but also inspiring to post these thoughts about Oscar, and to share some of his music with people. He was always waiting for the break of day, and now I'm sure he's seen it in all its glory.

  3. Thanks for posting this. Reading the lyric to “Floating Away” and hearing Oscar's voice again in my heart, a voice I loved and a voice I pushed away so many times, tore me up. Hugh found the right words to say about a complicated generous man.

  4. Just found out Oscar passed today, about 3 and a half yrs ltr. I’m really bothered. We were friends through my ex husband but we spent quite a bit of time together, us three. Just am saddened to here of his passing. I was going through old picsvand found some of him today witch made me think of him and wanted to look him up. Its quite upsetting to hear he is gone. Many good memories of us in Venice. God bless and I remember him of talking about his friend Huey. Peace… Sunny Highley

    • Yes, Sunny — so sad that he’s gone, but he left many good memories with many people.

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