Paul Zahl writes of more mysteries explored on his recent trip to Reelfoot Lake in western Tennessee:

This was taken from the northwest edge of the lake.  I asked my guide Jeff Earp if
this were where the evil deed recounted in Irvin S. Cobb's 1937 mystery entitled
“Judge Priest Turns Detective” was done.  He had not read the story,
but when I told him the mechanism of Cobb's plot, he suggested that it
would have occurred in the one spot on the Lake where the depth is down
to 60 feet, where even now it is possible to drive a boat fast.  Cobb
accepted the 100-year-old local story that in that spot, which Cobb
called “Big Hole”, great prehistoric fish lived at depth and in
tunnels, tunnels by which they could escape into the Tennessee River if
Reelfoot Lake were ever drained.

When the murderer strangled his
victim in “Judge Priest Turns Detective”, the criminal pushed the body
into Big Hole.  The body did not surface for weeks, and by then . . . the
catfish had got it.