Sure, you’ve bought this as an e-book. You’ve probably sent a few copies out as gifts to your friends. But it’s just not the same as placing a real book version on your coffee table, to impress visitors, or reading a real book version in Starbucks, where it’s sure to start up conversations with attractive strangers.

Well, things are about to change — a hard copy version of the book will soon be available, thanks to the miracle of Amazon’s CreateSpace. If you can figure out how to format a text to the CreateSpace guidelines, and design a (somewhat) respectable cover on your own, Amazon will offer the book as a print-on-demand title, a real tome, with real pages you can flip through with your fingers!

It costs the author nothing but a little time (o. k., a lot of time), and will cost you only $6.99 — $6.99 to hold this amazing book in your hands, and show the world what kind of taste as a reader you have.
Most importantly, the standard trade-paperback size of 6 x 9 means it will fit in all standard saddlebags! Wherever you and your horse can go, this book can go!
Click on the images to enlarge.