Circus Cover Baja

A romantic tale of the big top — in the time of the great circus trains that delivered a wild magic to the American heartland.

The year is 1935 and Jasper Grady, twelve years-old, in Wichita, Kansas flees an abusive home and casts his lot with The Greenbaugh Majestic Circus, The Miracle Colossus, where he will meet . . .

Bap, the genius clown and keeper of dark secrets . . .

Beth and Anne Kelly, twin trapeze artists who look like fairytale princesses and seem to share a single, troubled soul . . .

Roy Renaldo, the matinee-idol knife-thrower and lethal lover . . .

Carl Ellenbeck, the lion tamer, who is terrified his big cats will discover how terrified he is of them . . .

Colonel Adam S. Greenbaugh, owner of the circus, who watches as his way of life slips slowly into the realm of forgotten dreams . . .

But in this novella the dream lives on, in all its sordid, beautiful, breathtaking, heartbreaking glory.

On Amazon for the Kindle, any day now, priced to sell at $1.49 . . .