We ask, “Why would a young man from a materially comfortable home walk into a school and murder 20 children?” The better question might be, “Why don’t more young men do it?”

More young men who don’t know what it means to be a man, and thus don’t know how to become one. More young men who have no religious or ethical beliefs that make honor and sacrifice attractive. More young men who have no real political power, in a political system in which only the obscenely wealthy have real political power, and thus no real control over their future.

What would give them a will to live, to look out for and protect the weak people around them? A million-dollar home? Another cool video game? The next mindless Hollywood blockbuster?



. . . is on the march!  Light the beacon fires!

The dreadful ghouls who run the NRA, and the lunatic nihilists driving the Republican Party, along with the rest of us, towards economic apocalypse, are human beings of course, our brothers and sisters, but they are in the grip of evil and behaving like monsters.

We must love them as our brothers and sisters, but we must fight them as demons — creatures as far beyond the reach of humane persuasion as the Sandy Hook shooter.


Dickwad and prominent Christian spokesperson Mike Huckabee has weighed in on the Sandy Hook murders. He said, “We ask why there is violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage?”

What you’re really saying, Mike, is that God is going to slaughter anybody who doesn’t conform to your idea of how he should be worshiped — with teacher-led prayers in public schools, for example.  If only Jewish victim Noah Pozner, six years old, had been forced to participate in Christian prayers at school it would have delivered a clear message to the shooter that we should always respect the individuality of our fellow men.

Mike, why don’t you open a copy of the Bible to the Sermon On the Mount, pull down your pants and take a shit on the book — elucidate your understanding and respect for the words of Jesus in a more honest and dramatic way?  Be sure to aim for the red letters.