At a recent rally, Sarah Palin was reading through one of her scripted attacks on Barack Obama when someone in the audience yelled out, “. . . and he's a nigger!”  Palin looked momentarily flustered, paused, stumbled over a word, then soldiered on bravely as though nothing had happened.

I'd like to think that you or I, if we'd had the microphone at such a moment, would have stopped, chastised the woman in the crowd for her remark, perhaps asked security to have her removed from the hall, reminded everyone that we didn't approve of such language and didn't want the support of those who use it.  But of course Sarah Palin and John McCain do want the support of people who use the n-word — that's the whole point of their rhetoric painting Obama as a not-quite-American otherThey just don't want people to shout the word out at them when the TV cameras are rolling — they want at least a cosmetic firewall between themselves and the dark thoughts they're summoning up in people's hearts.

Bad witch, Sarah.

But with Halloween so close now, let's not forget that there are good witches, too . . .

Trick or treat?


In his brilliant book Raising Cain, a cultural meditation on blackface minstrelsy, W. T. Lhamon, Jr. points out that minstrelsy is founded on an admiration for and celebration of black charisma, specifically the charisma of black cultural style.  This essentially positive aspect of the phenomenon has persisted through time, even as minstrelsy simultaneously attempted to belittle and marginalize black culture — to keep it contained.

Part of the desire to contain it was undoubtedly inspired by anxiety arising from the sexual appeal of black charisma — the fear that white women might be attracted to it.  Minstrelsy as a form could not negotiate and neutralize this anxiety on its own — other cultural strategies were required.  One such strategy was the myth of black male aggressiveness towards white women — the notion that black males possessed an instinctive desire to ravish white women.

For various and obvious reasons there is no significant history of sexual assaults on white women by black males in America — and certainly no history of it even remotely comparable to the history of the sexual exploitation of black women by white males.  The myth has a psycho-sexual origin.  It is always associated with the fear that black political power will encourage sexual assaults by black males on white women, and often assumes that the secret agenda of black political power is “miscegenation”.

The myth is usually presented in pseudo-historical terms.  The Birth Of A Nation, a fiction film from 1915, asserts its historical authenticity in presenting the campaign for the political enfranchisement of blacks during Reconstruction as motivated primarily by the desire of black males to ravish white women.  The film draws on a body of now discredited scholarship about Reconstruction which essentially promoted the same mythology.

We need to understand this mythology in order to understand the recent incident in Pennsylvania in which a young white woman claimed to have been beaten and sexually assaulted by a tall black man because of her support of John McCain.  She's probably never seen The Birth Of A Nation, but its mythology is still alive in the culture — she clearly drew on it when concocting her false story, assuming it would be plausible to many, as indeed it was.

News organizations reported it widely and immediately, before it could be confirmed.  John McCain's campaign instantly assumed it was true and began to publicize it.  McCain and Palin even went so far as to call the woman to express their sympathy.  All of this occurred before the actual facts had been established, and in spite of the fact that the story was objectively implausible.

The woman said her black attacker had carved a “B” on her face, for “Barack” — but the letter was carved backwards, as though it had been done in a mirror.  The woman also had a reputation for being emotionally unbalanced, and the supposed attack occurred at a time when Obama was kicking McCain's butt in the race, with the overwhelming support of white voters — hardly the time one would expect spontaneous eruptions of black rage against whites.

But the story “felt” true to many — because it reprised a mythological script buried deep in America's cultural psyche, a script in which black political power is forever linked to sexual assaults by black males on white women.

Try thinking of Todd's “script” with different racial actors.  Suppose she'd been a black woman who said she was attacked by a tall Irish-American with flaming red hair who, enraged by an Obama sticker on her car, carved a backwards “McC” on her cheek in the course of beating, robbing and sexually assaulting her.  She would probably have been sent immediately to a hospital for psychiatric evaluation.  News organizations would not have rushed to disseminate the outlandish story before having it confirmed.

I'm also guessing that Todd's story would have been greeted with extreme suspicion by all parties if it had not included a component of sexual assault — the sine qua non of the Birth Of A Nation script.


I got an e-mail from asking me to post the text below on my blog.  I don't think has the slightest idea whether or not I have a blog — I think they assumed that so many people do have blogs that a message aimed at their entire e-mail list would hit enough bloggers to be worth the shot.

In any case I'm happy to comply with their request:


1. The polls may be wrong. This is an unprecedented election. No one knows how racism
may affect what voters tell pollsters—or what they do in the voting booth. And the polls are narrowing anyway. In the
last few days, John McCain has gained ground in most national polls, as his campaign has gone even more negative.

2. Dirty tricks. Republicans are already illegally purging voters from the rolls
in some states. They're whipping up hysteria over ACORN to justify more challenges to new voters. Misleading flyers about
the voting process have started appearing in black neighborhoods. And of course, many counties still use unsecure voting

3. October surprise. In politics, [a week] is a long time. The next McCain smear could
dominate the news for a week. There could be a crisis with Iran, or Bin Laden could release another tape, or worse.

4. Those who forget history… In 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote after trailing
by seven points in the final days of the race. In 1980, Reagan was eight points down in the polls in late October and came
back to win. Races can shift—fast!

5. Landslide.
Even with Barack Obama in the White House, passing universal health care and a new clean-energy policy
is going to be hard. Insurance, drug and oil companies will fight us every step of the way. We need the kind of landslide
that will give Barack a huge mandate.

If you agree that we shouldn't rest easy, please sign up to volunteer at your local Obama
office by clicking here:

Volunteer For Obama

If you've got a blog, why not post the above list and link on it?  If you don't, why not paste them into an e-mail and send them to all your friends?


Here's part of a memo an Obama Regional Field Director in North Carolina (where I was born) sent her volunteers last week:

Barack really is
expecting a lot out of us — and there isn't much else for him to do.  He
has placed this election in our hands at this point.  It's up to us now. 
We may never again have our hands on history quite like this again for
as long as we live.  That makes each hour so, so precious.  We can slack
off, sleep in, and make excuses for the rest of our lives.  But today —
and for the next 3 weeks . . . whether we knew what we were getting into
or not . . . we have ended up with people's lives, livelihoods, and dreams
for their children — all dependent on our performance day in and day
out.  This is our one chance at history . . . our one chance at perfection. 
Our one chance to live forever.  So today — breathe this in . . . realize
that your grandkids will be reading about you . . . realize that you will
miss this feeling very, very soon . . . and win every single hour.

This describes the sort of feeling men in war have.  Teddy Roosevelt described his action on San Juan Hill in Cuba during the Spanish-American War as “my crowded hour”.  Oliver Wendell Holmes said of his peers who fought in the Civil War “
in our
youth our hearts were touched with fire.” 
It's probably what the early adherents to a new religious revelation feel in their urgency to spread the word.  The common ground is effort and risk and sacrifice for others, for a cause outside of and greater than the self.  The cause is not Obama's run for political office — it's “people's lives, livelihoods, and dreams for their children.”

The Regional Field Director is talking about that moment in a battle when the generals have done what they can do and it's time for the men to move up to the line and march to the sound of the guns.  She's talking about that moment when the disciples leave the teacher and head out to obey his command, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations . . .”

Obama isn't just running a campaign, he's training citizens for acts of service, crowding their hours with meaning, touching their hearts with fire, giving them a duty and a place among the generations of men, which really is one way of living forever.  Obama's success or failure in the campaign, or in the Presidency, is beside the point now.

[With thanks to for the memo.]


The sticker on my shirt pocket says it all — I voted yesterday in Clark County, Nevada.  It was great — I went late in the afternoon, as advised, to a senior center in a park near my home.  There were a fair number of voters on hand but no lines — I was in and out in less than fifteen minutes.

Honoring the convention of the secret ballot, I won't reveal who I voted for, though I will go through the thinking that led me to the choice I made.  My criteria for a candidate this year were quite rigorous.

First, I wanted a candidate who was a celebrity.  We've had so many Presidents in our history who could never have made even the semi-finals on American Idol that it's getting embarrassing.  We need a rock star in the White House.

Second, I wanted a candidate who has such a dim view of America that he's willing to pal around with terrorists.  That, to me, shows a refreshing sense of open-mindedness.

Finally, I wanted a candidate who's a socialist — someone who wouldn't blink if called upon to nationalize the American banking system should that ever, God forbid, become necessary.  (Oh, wait . . . we've already started nationalizing the banking system — but we could never have done it if the current Republican administration hadn't summoned the courage to live up to its core socialist convictions.)

I think I found my guy, and I hope I'm not giving too much away when I tell you how good it felt to look at that odd name at the top of my provisional ballot print-out and then touch the square on the screen that read “Cast Ballot”.

The surge of American spirit that coursed through my body reminded me that I needed a smoke.  I stepped outside into the bright sunshine of a Fall day in the Mojave Desert, lit up a cigarette and thought to myself, “Mission accomplished.”  You've got a mission, too, my friends — get it done.


It's been reported that ACORN, a nationwide syndicate of community organizations, has submitted voter registrations for a number of fictional characters, including some, like Mickey Mouse, who are animated figures.  John McCain and Sarah Palin have drawn attention to the serious threat this poses to the American way of life.  “Suppose Mickey Mouse shows up at a polling place in Ohio?” Palin asks.  “Will his vote be counted?  Will a ballot submitted by a cartoon character affect the outcome in this important battleground state?”

When the McCain campaign was asked how an animated character could physically enter a voting booth and cast a ballot, a spokesman directed reporters' attention to the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, which demonstrated that cartoon characters could interact with live human beings.

Meanwhile reports have leaked from Sarah Palin's campaign that, if elected, she would urge the establishment of “concentration compounds” for women identified as practicing witchcraft on U. S. soil.  According to insiders, Palin intends to allow witches to leave the country voluntarily — however, if they refuse, she believes they should be placed on large barges which would be towed out to sea and sunk.  Privately, she blames witches for “cursing her tongue” and preventing her from speaking coherent English sentences on the campaign trail.


Of course, you and I would never use that kind of language about Cindy McCain, even though she's now gone back to taking digs at Michelle Obama, after apologizing for doing so the first time.  “I've always been proud of my country,” says Cindy, with her cute little Sarah Palin smirk.  Why wouldn't she be proud of a country where a girl can inherit 100 million dollars, bust up a war hero's marriage and become the trophy wife of a pathetic old man who's got a shot at being President?  This is, truly, the land of opportunity — if you're very, very lucky and have no morals to speak of.

I'm sure John was just joking when he used the “c” word about his wife.  The guy has a sense of humor, after all.  Here's a joke he told at a Republican fund-raiser back in the 1990s:

Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?  Because Janet Reno is her father.

When you and I hear things like that, we just laugh it off, right?  The phrase “sick, twisted motherfucker” doesn't even enter our minds.

Now jolly John has authorized robo-calls in battleground states reminding people that Barack Obama has “worked with a terrorist”.  I guess most of his supporters will be content to let a McCain administration take the appropriate action against Obama after John is elected President — putting the uppity young buck on trial as an accomplice to terrorism, of the
domestic variety.  Maybe one of those supporters will jump the gun, as it were, and go for some vigilante justice in the meantime — a time-honored tradition in this great country we're all so proud of.

That won't be John's fault, will it?  And it won't make Cindy any less proud of America.  Things happen to that sort when they step out of line.  (Cue cute Sarah Palin smirk.)  We're still the shining city on the hill, no matter how much blood runs down the hillside into the valley below — doesn't affect the view from the top of the heap at all.


Early on in the Presidential race I sent a small amount of money to Barack Obama's campaign — in recognition of the fact that, as I believed then, I'd be voting in this election, for the first time in my life, in favor a candidate I really liked rather than against a candidate I hated.  That all changed when Senator Obama voted to grant immunity to the big telecoms for conspiring with the Bush administration to violate the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.  I swore then that Obama would get no more money from me and I accepted the fact that I'd be voting for him while holding my nose.

That was before Sarah Palin, before she and McCain began their program of coded hate speech against Obama, which has emboldened many of their supporters to echo the vile suggestions implied in their rhetoric and take them to their logical ends — overtly violent speech and overtly violent threats against a terrorist other.  Posing as the leaders of a sheriff's posse bent on cleaning up Dodge they are in fact the leaders of a lynch mob bent on stringing the colored guy up from the nearest cottonwood.

This is not acceptable morally, and will have heinous moral consequences for the nation if their irresponsible tactics succeed in carrying McCain and Palin to the White House.

Consequently I've decided that it's o. k. to send more money to Obama's campaign as long as I make an equal contribution at the same time to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is bringing suit to overturn the telecom immunity bill Obama voted for.

You can and should do the same.  Contribute to the EFF here.  Contribute to Obama here.  Do it for the good of the country and the good of your own soul.

[With thanks to the awesome Fluharty for the images above.]


Government economists in Mexico City have warned President Calderón that a total collapse of the U. S. economy could result in a mass illegal invasion of Mexico by U. S. citizens looking for work picking crops.

They have pointed out the serious social and economic consequences that would result from such an invasion and have urged the President to begin preparing now to meet the crisis in case it should it occur, which they see as ever more likely.  Their proposals include the start of work on a border-long fence designed to stop U. S. migrant workers from crossing into Mexican territory in the first place.  “Once they're here,” one prominent economist warned, “dealing with them in a compassionate way will become increasingly problematic.”


He's one of them, you know.

(A Negro . . .)

John McCain and Sarah Palin are playing with fire when they try to frame Barack Obama as a terrorist other.  The dark thoughts they're trying to plant in people's hearts might be all that's needed to embolden some nut with a gun to take the next logical step and try to rid the nation of this alien threat.

“That one,” McCain calls Obama, standing next to him — as though he were some creature without a name.  “Who's the real Obama?” McCain asks a crowd.  “A terrorist!” someone answers back.  McCain says nothing.  “He pals around with terrorists,” Palin tells another crowd.  “Kill him!” someone screams.  Palin says nothing.

That cry was enough to get the Secret Service on the case but it wasn't enough to wipe the smirk off of Sarah Palin's face.

The lunatic fringe of the base gets the message.  At another Palin rally, a gang of her supporters taunts a group of journalists, calling a young black technician “boy” and a “nigger”.  We know where this sort of thing leads, where it's led us so many times before — to the strange fruit Billie Holiday sang about, to that motel balcony in Memphis.

If Michelle Obama ends up a widow, the sin won't rest on McCain and Palin alone, but on anyone who supports these despicable demagogues in their reckless and wicked grab for power, even at the cost of their own souls.  The souls of many are on trial here.

The soul of the nation is on trial here.


Ralph Stanley, surviving member of the immortal Stanley Brothers bluegrass duo, just did a radio ad for Barack Obama addressed to his fellow citizens in southwest Virginia.  In it he commends Obama as a good family man — something that's important to folks in that part of the world.  I wish the national media could talk more about the issue of (real) family values, which Obama lives and John McCain hasn't.

A few years ago Ralph put out an album of duets with various musicians younger than himself called Clinch Mountain Country.  Ralph's wife said her favorite duet was the one Ralph did with Bob Dylan, “The Lonesome River”, and it really is something — a couple of voices with the bark still on singing from the ageless heart of America.  It's a great track and great album.

Check it out.


John McCain is starting to remind me of someone — another great old soldier long past his prime who traded his fading honor for a shot at power . . . just not thinking straight, I fear.  At any rate, at this point no American who cares about his or her own honor, or the honor of the nation, can afford to support this pathetic old man on his dark journey to moral oblivion.


My friends Lily and Cotty (above) flew into town from Los Angeles this weekend and met up with another old friend, Frank, and his pal Bob, who'd driven here from the same place.  They'd all come to volunteer for a couple of days' work going door to door for the Obama campaign, collecting pledge cards and contact information, registering new voters and generally spreading the good word.

They walked (and walked) through middle-class neighborhoods dotted with foreclosure signs (and abandoned homes that will probably soon sport foreclosure signs.)  They did what they could — and Frank (on the left below, with Bob) actually managed to get a new voter to register.  Such things, multiplied many times over, might make the difference in what still looks to be an election of razor-thin margins — with Nevada a crucial battleground in the contest.

Their virtuous behavior was richly rewarded by the gods of chance here in Silly Town.  Lily, who's sixteen, couldn't join us, alas, but the rest of us went off gambling downtown.  We ended up at Binion's, where Cotty and Frank hit the craps tables, Bob took his chances at roulette and I sat down at a no-limit game in the poker room.

I was up $96 when Cotty tapped me on the shoulder and said the gang was ready to head home.  I cashed in my winnings and was feeling pretty smug, until I heard about Cotty's and Frank's run at the craps table.  Without revealing too much specific personal information, perhaps I can say that between them they won about $1500.

They slept, I am sure, the sleep of the just and the sleep of the lucky, a rare but delightful convergence of satisfactions.


The stock market rebounded a bit today.  The big crash has been postponed — Congress has a little more time to get its act together.  With luck, John McCain will stay away from Washington until a rescue bill is passed.

I pulled the truck around to the back of the cabin and put a tarp over it.  I'm still spending a lot of time in front of the mirror, practicing my Depression game face.

“Wherever there's a cop beatin' up a guy, I'll be there . . .”